So much beauty here. We learn as we push past our limits. Push hard then step back. Know that you are always safe, as long as you are breathing there is more good than bad, or better yet get out of the good and bad and transcend in deep silence. You know deep inside you how to manage and go about your journey. You are committed to superwoman and also to self care and nourishment. You are rebirthing day by day, leveling up in understanding and capability to be & to love.

Thank you for this piece, sharing a slice of your beautiful life šŸ«¶

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"Everything in my life right now has fallen off the wagon in a big way and Iā€™m exhausted." Just wanted to say that I'm feeling this in a big way right now too. And I'm just trying to pick myself back up each day and continue on as best I can. šŸ¤ Thank you for your honest words here.

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